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It should guide how you frame your topic sentences. Provide detailed explanations to your topic sentences. Break down the topic sentence into a manageable chunk that the audience can understand better. The speech format also requires that you use a dialogue kind of language to make the audience part of the speech 3 rows · When writing your speech, ensure it has a clear-cut structure – introduction, main body and · Writing a speech Structure A speech often follows a three part structure: a highly engaging and motivational opening a well-structured argument with several main points that include objection
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· Think carefully about your audience. Choose language that will engage your specific listeners. A speech to a group of teenagers may use very different language compared to a speech given to a · The document contains Tips for writing a speech; Uploaded on June 3, ; Number of pages 1; Written in /; Type Summary; Subjects. speech tips; igcse; gcse; edexcel; aqa; ocr; english speech; free; grade 9 · Buy my revision guides in paperback on Amazon*:Mr Bruff’s Guide to GCSE English Language Mr Bruff’s Guide to GCSE English Literature Author: Mr Bruff
· Writing a speech Structure A speech often follows a three part structure: a highly engaging and motivational opening a well-structured argument with several main points that include objection · Think carefully about your audience. Choose language that will engage your specific listeners. A speech to a group of teenagers may use very different language compared to a speech given to a How should you structure your speech? You must structure your speech according to purpose and topic: Introduction - clearly state your view and; Arguments - provide 3 clear arguments. They should all strengthen and build upon your introduction. Think of each argument as a hamburger: Each detail should be well researched
What Is GCSE?
· Writing a speech Structure A speech often follows a three part structure: a highly engaging and motivational opening a well-structured argument with several main points that include objection · doc, 27 KB Lessons designed to assist GCSE students with writing a speech. The first lesson generates some discussion and recognition of features of a speech, with the second lesson focusing on the students creating their own speech. This was designed for IGCSE but can be used for any sessions Creative Commons "Sharealike" Reviews geraldinedaly It should guide how you frame your topic sentences. Provide detailed explanations to your topic sentences. Break down the topic sentence into a manageable chunk that the audience can understand better. The speech format also requires that you use a dialogue kind of language to make the audience part of the speech
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· Writing a speech Structure A speech often follows a three part structure: a highly engaging and motivational opening a well-structured argument with several main points that include objection · Think carefully about your audience. Choose language that will engage your specific listeners. A speech to a group of teenagers may use very different language compared to a speech given to a · Buy my revision guides in paperback on Amazon*:Mr Bruff’s Guide to GCSE English Language Mr Bruff’s Guide to GCSE English Literature Author: Mr Bruff
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